Help us squash bugs. Get LiveSurface for free.

As a LiveSurface user, your insight is invaluable in helping us improve our product. If you encounter a bug or issue while using our products, we want to hear from you. If your detailed bug report helps us improve LiveSurface, we’ll give you a month of free access.*

Submission Guidelines:

1. Submit via Web Form: Use the web form on this page to submit your written description and any file-sharing links. Include a summary of the issue you’re seeing as the Topic.

2. Include a Detailed Description: Provide a clear, step-by-step description of how to reproduce the bug. Your user perspective on how this impacts your workflow helps us to gauge severity.

3. Add Supporting Files: Include screen capture images or video, LiveSurface concept files (.livesurface), Illustrator documents (.ai) or any other files you were working with when you encountered the issue via a Dropbox, iCloud, WeTransfer or similar link.**

Thank you for helping us make LiveSurface the best it can be!

* Our team evaluates each submission individually. For a submission to be eligible it must be novel, clearly reported and reproducible by our engineering team.

** Files you send will be used solely by our engineering team to track down and fix the bug. All submitted files will be deleted after the issue is resolved. Our engineers will contact you directly if we need any additional information.

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